How much does it cost to get a California VIN verification?

The expenses related to obtaining a San Diego VIN verification vary based on the choice between a mobile VIN verification or visiting specific establishments for the service. Here are the associated costs for each of the mentioned options, but before making a decision on the most suitable VIN verification option for you, it is essential to understand the benefits and details associated with each choice:

AAA (Available for members only)

If you are an AAA member, your membership includes vehicle verification services, among other benefits. However, mobile VIN verification is not available through AAA.


No cost for VIN verification, But you must have your paperwork in order prior to being seen by them, and you must be referred to them by the CHP. For more information on the CHP VIN verifications please read this section of my website. The mobile VIN verification is NOT an option.

San Diego VIN Verification

Approximately $67-$97. We provide a convenient mobile service, delivering friendly, fast, and predictable verification at your preferred time and location. Our licensed vehicle verifiers spare you the hassle of visiting the DMV, allowing you to stay home or be anywhere else you prefer, avoiding the DMV altogether.


No cost for VIN verification But you must have your paperwork in order prior to be seen by them for a VIN verification – you can no longer just drive up and have a vehicle verifier inspect your vehicle. Mobile VIN verification is NOT an option.

Our differentiating factor from AAA, DMV, and the CHP is our provision of mobile vehicle VIN verification services.

Thank you for reaching out!

Our customer representative will contact you within 24 hours. Please ensure you attend calls from this number: 619-838-6130 or save it as ‘San Diego Vin Verification‘ in your phone directory.

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